Where can i find...? criminal
record, unlisted phone number, background check, employment opportunity, credit report,
lost friend, family members, FBI file, adoption record, email address...
Check out ANYTHING:
Credit records
Social security numbers and
Current or past employment
Mail order purchases
Phone numbers
Maps to city locations
and so much more . .
Takes You Beyond What Search Engines Can Do.
Stop Wasting Your Time on Searches that go Nowhere!
Download Net Detective and discover the EASY WAY to find out THE TRUTH about anyone.
You Can Even Discover What The FBI Knows About YOU.
- Guaranteed-
Net Detective is an amazing new tool that allows you to find out "EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know about your friends, family, neighbors, employees, and even your boss!" You can even check out yourself. It is all completely legal , and you can do it all in the privacy of your own home without anyone ever knowing. It's even better than hiring a private investigator.
Locate e-mails, phone numbers, or
Get a Copy of Your FBI file.
Locate old classmates, missing family
member, or a LONG LOST LOVE.
Do Background Checks on EMPLOYEES
before you hire them.
Investigate your family history, birth,
Discover how UNLISTED phone numbers are
Check out your new or old LOVE
Verify your own CREDIT REPORTS so you
can correct WRONG information.
Track anyone's Internet ACTIVITY; see
the sites they visit.
conventional search engines have never found.
Discover little-known ways to make
Check ADOPTION records; locate MISSING
CHILDREN or relatives.
Dig up information on your FRIENDS,
Discover EMPLOYMENT opportunities from
Locate transcripts and COURT ORDERS
from all 50 states.
CLOAK your EMAIL so your true address
can't be discovered.
Find out how much ALIMONY your neighbor
is paying.
If you ever wondered what happens to your Net Detective product after you sell it, you'll find my story interesting. I am 34 years old, with a husband and two children, living in Oklahoma. I was adopted at age two and have been searching for my "birth mother" for the past five years.
A few weeks ago I purchased your Net Detective and within a few days had located my birth mother. She lives in a small town in Georgia. I contacted her on the phone and we talked for hours. It was the most emotional time of my life. We cried together and laughed together. It seems she has been trying to find me too. And I also discovered I have a brother and sister, both older than me.
Here is the really amazing part. My birth sister, Rhonda, lives here in Oklahoma in the same city as I do. In fact her house is about a mile from our house. She has two children and they go to the same school as my kids. It is just unbelievable. We got together for lunch yesterday and we even look alike. We really hit it off. This is so incredible for me. You can't imagine the feelings, to finally discover your true roots. This is probably the most emotional time of my life.
Excuse the tear drops on my letter.
Thank You"
- (name withheld)
"Dear Net Detective2001,
First of all I would like to thank your for designing a product such as NetDetective2001. It's a fantastic product designed for anyone from beginner to expert to use.
I especially like the e-mail search wizard. I get a lot of reports of an individual involved in suspicious activity online and it's difficult to track their identity. You would not believe the amount of people that I have been able to track using this tool. Most of the time I am able to come up with former e-mail addresses as well as current ones and I am often able to identify them right there on the spot and report their activity to law enforcement.
Another part of the program that is very useful is the information for criminal records. Once the person is identified, I can then search for criminal history information and know real fast if they have been convicted or charged with any other crimes. If the information isn't right online, you've made it so easy by including the ability to print an envelope so that I can request the information from the correct agency.
Lastly, thank you for the free updates and bonus software included with the purchase of NetDetective2001.
- Julie Posey
"This is great. Just 30 minutes after downloading Net Detective I had located my long-lost college roommate and had her on the phone. We talked for two hours. (We hadn't talked in 27 years.) I have been telling all my friends and they are amazed." - Marsha Seiler, Dallas TX.
"We are using Net Detective to really check out all of our new employees before we hire them. Using Net Detective I have made some rather startling discoveries. One applicant was wanted by the FBI for embezzlement and he was applying for a job in our accounting department." - George L. Whitaker, Sacramento, CA.
"As a private investigator with over 22 years experience, I was very surprised to discover what a great asset Net Detective is for our business. We can now locate hard to find information in minutes that used to take hours or even days." - Robert J. Carlson, St. Paul, MN.
"I have been telling my friends about Net Detective. I have also been snooping on my friends, and they don't even know it. I found out how much alimony and child support my next door neighbor gets, and that my neighbor across the street has some big credit problems. This is AWESOME!!!" · Marianne Clewiston, Elmira, NY